Created Infinity income in this Plan
Growth Supportive Plan
Multiple Incomes
Teamwork Incentives Unlimited
True meaning of Wealth
Exponential Growth“N”Generations
Unlimited Funds
Online Support System
Free / Nominal paid Training Programme
Retail Profit Or Saving on Consumption- up to 30%
Business Building Bonus 5%
Team Building Bonus 30%
Sponsor Supportive Bonus- 17%
Level Achievement Bonus 10%
Infinity Bonus 20%
Unlimited Car Fund 9%
Unlimited House Fund 5%
Luxury Fund (For Shopping & Travel) 5%
1. Retail Profit Or Saving on Consumption- UPTO 30%
Using and recommending Winfinith products is the first step to success and building a solid foundation for your business. Use and recommend is the surest method of earning immediate income, as you build a long term business of satisfied customers. Retail profit is the margin between the price at which the preferred customers / Independent Distributors purchase the products (Distributor Price / DP*) and the price at which these products are sold (Maximum Retail Price / MRP**). Preferred Customers / Independent Distributors in Winfinith can earn retail profit of up to 30% on MRP of the products.
For Example:
Winfinith Spirulina, at present, has an MRP of Rs.455/-. Independent Distributor of Winfinith can purchase the same product on DP which is Rs. 350 /-. If he/she resells the same on MRP and may earn Rs. 105/- (i.e. 30% profit on DP Price) by reselling the product.
*DP is referred as Distributor Price
**MRP is referred as Maximum Retail Price
Retail Profit is not calculated and paid by Winfinith Private Limited
Winfinith reserves its rights to give further discount (s) on products below DP
2. Business Building Bonus – 5 %
To give away this Business Building Bonus, the company allocates fund of 5 % of the total Business Volume turnover of the company generated in a month. This Bonus will be divided into two parts 4% for personal BV and 1% for Matching of 500BV :500BV up to he/she reaches Winfinithist level.
Business Building Bonus is the main strength for basic business builders in Winfinith Business. It encourages the Independent Distributors to promote more and more products users and Business Partners of Winfinith. When a distributor activated his id, he/ she called as Distributor (this is 1st achievement level in our business) then he/she is eligible to get Business Building Bonus 4% on their Personal Business Volume up to he/she reaches matching of 24999BV:24999BV. Remaining 1% BV turnover allotted for matching of 500BV:500BV- 1 BBB point up to he/she reaches Winfinithist level.
Even if we reach Winfinithist level we will get Business Building Bonus up to matching of 24999:24999. Once we reach the Bronze director Level then BBB will be stopped.
Business Building Bonus is calculated as per below mentioned Examples:
For Example:
If a per a person done 999 or bellow PBV in a month (he/she doesn’t have team or he/she might have team A & B, but team mates BV is zero “0”) he/she will get “0” BBBPV and for Personal BV he/she will get 4% income (Rs 39.96). BV will be flush out.
If a distributor is able to do a Business of 10000 PBV. (he/she doesn’t have team or he/she might have team A & B, but team mate BV is zero “0”) He/she will get 4% of Business Building Bonus on PBV. (10000 X 4% = 400) and for 10000 BV he/she will get 10 BBB. According to that month Business building Point volume he/she will get the income.
If a person did 2200 PBV in a month. He/she has only team A & he/she done 2000 BV. He will get “4” BBBPV and also, he/she will get PBV income of 4% for 2200 PBV (Rs 88). After payment BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 2000 or below PBV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 2500 BV & Team B – 1000 BV) personal BV added to the lesser team. He/she is eligible to get Team Builder Bonus so His Business builder bonus in matching is zero. But for personal Business volume (PBV) the person gets 4% income. (2000 X 4 % = 80) After payment BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 2500 or below PBV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 4500 BV & Team B – 2000 BV) personal BV added to the lesser team. He/she is eligible to get Team Builder Bonus 1 Point so remaining business he/her Business builder bonus in matching is 4 BBB Points. According to that month Business building Point volume he/she will get the income. For personal Business volume (PBV) the person gets 4% income. (2500 X 4 % = 100) After payment BV will be Flush out.
Business Building Bonus is calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
To getting 1 Business Building Bonus Point = 500 BV: 500 BV also A person will get a business building bonus on their personal BV up to 24999:24999 BV matching.
To getting 1 Business Building Bonus Point = 500 BV: 500 BV
A person will get a business building bonus on their personal BV up to 24999:24999 BV matching.
Business Building Bonus Points are calculated in multiples of business of 1000 BV.
BBB BV will be flush out every month.
Closing period = Business Building Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Pay out period = 10th day of every month.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Business Building Bonus from time to time.
Business Building Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period.
3. Team Building Bonus 30%
Team Building Bonus is the main strength of Winfinith Business. It encourages the Independent Distributors to promote more and more products users and Business Partners of Winfinith. When a distributor achieves a Winfinithist level then he/she is eligible to get Team building bonus.
Winfinith Business compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Team Building Bonus on the basis of the number of Team Building Bonus Points earned by the Independent Distributor in a particular month period. Team Building Bonus Point is earned when the Independent Distributor is able to do a Business of 5000 BV equally divided in his / her Highest Business Team & 2nd Highest Business Team enrolled under his / her personal enrolled Team.
If a distributor is able to do a Business of 30000 BV equally divided in his / her Highest Business Team & 2nd Highest Business Team, he / she earns 6 Team Building Bonus Points.
To give away this Team Building Bonus, the company allocates fund of 30 % of the total Business Volume turnover of the company generated in a month.
Team Building Bonus is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
For Example:
A Distributor has referred 2 Teams: Team A & Team B. The Business Volume generated in both teams is as follows:
Team A=13500, Team B=11300
So, on matching of 11300 BV, the distributor has earned 4 Team Building Bonus Points.
Total Business Volume Turnover of Company = 40,00,000 BV
Total Team Building Bonus Points collected = 6000 TBB
Team Building Bonus = 30 / 100 x 40,00,000 = 12,00,000
Team Building Bonus Point Value = 1200000 / 6000 = 200
Team Building Bonus of Distributor = 200 x 4 = Rs.800/-
Terms and Conditions: Its Team building Bonus she/he must have at least one team.
For Example:
If a person done 6000 PBV in a month (he/she doesn’t have a team or he might have team A & B, but team mate BV is zero “0”) he/she will get 0 TBBPV and BV will be Flush out. ** due to no team.
If a person has done 2500 or above PBV in a month. He/she has only team A & he has done 3000 BV. He/she will get “1” TBBPV and after payment remaining BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 2500 or above PBV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 5000 BV & Team B – 3000 BV) personal BV added to the lesser team. He/she will get “2” TBBPV and after payment remaining BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 399 or below BV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 2500 BV & Team B – 2200 BV) personal BV is added to lesser team. So, in this case he achieved 1’ TBBPV’s. BV will be Flush out (Including PBV). He/she achieved Winfinithist level. But income will be hold why because he/she didn’t full fill PBV 400
If a person has done 400 or above PBV in a month. He has both the teams (team A - 2500 BV & Team B – 2100 BV) personal BV added to lesser team and he achieved ‘1’ TBBPV’s. Bonus received and remaining BV will be Flush out (Including PBV). He/she is called as Winfinithist.
Team Building Bonus will be given for Winfinithist level and above Level
Team Building Bonus is calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
To getting 1 Team Building Bonus Point = 2500 BV: 2500 BV
Team Building Bonus Points are calculated in multiples of business of 5000 BV equally divided in 2 teams or multiple thereof.
Business Volume over and above 2500 BV is not taken into account for calculating Team Building Bonus Point.
Closing period = Team Building Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Payout period = 10th day of every month.
Maximum Threshold Limit for Team Building Bonus for a Distributor is Rs. 1,50,000/-.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Team Building Bonus from time to time.
Team Building Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period. (Replace)
Team Building Bonus is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
For Example:
A Distributor has referred 2 Teams: Team A & Team B. The Business Volume generated in both teams is as follows:
Team A = 13500 Team B = 11300
So, on matching of 11300 BV, the distributor has earned 4 Team Building Bonus Points.
Total Business Volume Turnover of Company = 40,00,000 BV
Total Team Building Bonus Points collected = 6000 TBB
Team Building Bonus = 30 / 100 x 40,00,000 = 12,00,000
Team Building Bonus Point Value = 1200000 / 6000 = 200
Team Building Bonus of Distributor = 200 x 4 = Rs.800/-
Team Building Bonus is calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
To getting 1 Team Building Bonus Point = 2500 BV: 2500 BV
Team Building Bonus Points are calculated in multiples of business of 5000 BV equally divided in 2 teams or multiple thereof.
Business Volume over and above 2500 BV is not taken into account for calculating Team Building Bonus Point.
Closing period = Team Building Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Payout period = 10th day of every month.
Maximum Threshold Limit for Team Building Bonus for a Distributor is Rs. 1,50,000/-.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Team Building Bonus from time to time.
Team Building Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period.
Terms and Conditions: Its Team building Bonushe must have at least one team.
For Example:
If a person done 6000 PBV in a month (he/she doesn’t have a team or he might have team A & B, but team mate BV is zero “0”) he/she will get 0 TBBPV and BV will be Flush out. ** due to no team.
If a person has done 2500 or above PBV in a month. He/she has only team A & he has done 3000 BV. He/she will get “1” TBBPV and Remaining BV will be Flush out. After payment remaining BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 2500 or above PBV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 2500 BV & Team B – 2000 BV) personal BV added to the lesser team. After payment remaining BV will be Flush out Including PBV also.
If a person has done 399 or below BV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 2500 BV & Team B – 2200 BV) personal BV is added to lesser team condition. So, in this case he achieved 1’ TBBPV’s. BV will be Flush out (Including PBV). But income will be hold why because he/she didn’t full fill PBV 400
If a person has done 400 or above PBV in a month. He has both the teams (team A - 2500 BV & Team B – 2100 BV) personal BV added to lesser team and he achieved ‘1’ TBBPV’s. Bonus received and remaining BV will be Flush out (Including PBV). **** When a distributor achieves to receive the payment, the total BV will be Zero “0”. In this condition also he is called Winfinithist.
Team Building Bonus will be given for Winfinithist level and above Level
A Winfinith distributor will have a chance to earn a maximum Rs 150000 of Team Building Bonus.
4. Sponsor Supportive Bonus 17%
“Success will come through with your Consistency of team building”. Winfinith Business compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Sponsor Supportive Bonus, who build more direct sponsoring with building a good team, they will get income consistently. If your front liners are achieved for Business building bonus and Team building bonus you will get additional 17 % of Sponsor Supportive Bonus based on your direct front lines income (Business building bonus income and Team building bonus income).
To get Sponsor supportive Bonus the distributor must be done with their Personal Business Volume (PBV) in that particular month otherwise the bonus went to their upline who will do their Personal Business Volume (PBV). A person will have a chance to get this bonus up to he/she reaches Emerald director level And a person will have a chance to get this bonus from your down line up to he/she reaches Emerald director level.
To give away this Sponsor Supportive Bonus, the company allocates approximately fund of 6 % of total Business Volume turnover of the company generated in a calendar month (17% of Business Building Bonus and Team Building Bonus).
Sponsor Supportive Bonus is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
If you have a network of 20 people in a direct line in which 10 members achieve BBB income of Rs100. So total BBB income will be Rs1000.
17% of Sponsor Supportive Bonus Rs 170.
Remaining 10 members achieve TBB income of Rs 2000. So the total TBB will be Rs 20000.
17% of Sponsor Supportive Bonus Rs 3400.
Considering 17% of total BBB income i.e., Rs 170 and 17% of TBB income i.e., 3400, You will be eligible to achieve Rs 3570 as Sponsor supportive Bonus
Sponsor Supportive Bonus is Calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
Closing period = Sponsor Supportive Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Pay out period = 10th day of every month.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Sponsor Supportive Bonus from time to time.
Sponsor Supportive Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period.
You will get Sponsor Supportive Bonus up to reaching Emerald Director Level and you will get this bonus from your direct downlines up to they reach the Emerald Director Level.
5. Level Achievement Bonus 10%
After getting Team Building bonus your business volume is flush out for Team Building bonus. But, to achieve Level achievement bonus, your team1 & team2 both Business volumes will be accumulative up to you are reaching the level of Bronze Director level.
Winfinith Business compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Level Achievement Bonus, who maintain 5 Level Achievement Bonus points with accumulation and minimum 2(two) Level Achievement Bonus Points in calendar month. Winfinith Business Compensation plan thereafter compensates its Independent Distributors with Level Achievement Bonus on the basis of the number of Level Achievement Bonus Points earned by the Distributor in a particular month. One Level Achievement Bonus is equal to 2(two) Team Building Bonus Points. If an Independent Distributor has earned 20(Twenty) Team Building Bonus Points in a month, therefore he has earned 10 (ten) Level Achievement Bonus points in a calendar month.
To give away this Level Achievement Bonus, the company allocates funds of 10% of total Business Volume turnover of the company generated in a calendar month.
Level Achievement Bonus is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
Level Achievement Bonus = Your Level Achievement Bonus X LAB Point Value
Level Achievement Bonus (LABP) Value = 10% of Company's Total BV Turnover / Total LAB Points collected in a calendar month.
For Example :-
An Independent Distributor has earned 40(forty) Team Building Bonus Points; therefore, he has earned 20 Level Achievement Bonus Points.
Total Business Volume Turnover of Company =40,00,000 BV
Total Level Achievement Bonus Points collected = 2000 LABP
Level Achievement Bonus = 10 / 100 x 40,00,000 = 4,00,000
Level Achievement Bonus Value = 400000 / 2000 = 200
Level Achievement Bonus of Distributor = 200 x 20 = Rs. 4000/-
• Level Achievement Bonus is Calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
• 1 Level Achievement Bonus Point = 2(te) Team Building Bonus Point
• Level achievement Bonus will be given Bronze Directors and Above Level.
• Closing period = Level Achievement Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
• Level Achievement Bonus is paid up to Crown Director level and up to 100 LAB points.
• Pay out period = 10th day of every month.
• Company reserves the right to change / amend the Level Achievement Bonus from time to time.
• Level Achievement Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period.
6. Infinity Bonus 20%
In our Winfinith Business Plan, when a distributor achieved Silver Director level then he/she is eligible to get Infinity Bonus.
Winfinith Business compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Infinity Bonus on the basis of the number of Infinity Bonus Points earned by the Independent Distributor in a particular month period. Infinity Bonus Point is earned when the Independent Distributor is able to do a Business of 100000 BV equally divided in his / her Highest Business Team & 2nd Highest Business Team enrolled under his / her personal enrolled Team.
If a distributor is able to do a Business of 300000 BV equally divided in his / her Highest Business Team & 2nd Highest Business Team, he / she earns 3 Infinity Bonus Points.
To give away this Infinity Bonus, the company allocates funds of 20 % of total Business Volume turnover of the company.
Infinity Bonus is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
For Example :-
A Distributor has referred 2 Teams: Team A & Team B. The Business Volume generated in both teams is as follows:
Team A = 135000 Team B = 113000
So, on matching 113000 BV, the distributor has earned 2 Infinity Bonus Points.
Total Business Volume Turnover of Company = 1,00,00,000 BV
Total Infinity Bonus Points collected = 570 IB
Infinity Bonus = 20 / 100 x 1,00,00,000 = 20,00,000
Infinity Bonus Point Value = 2000000 / 570 = 3508
Infinity Bonus of Distributor = 3508 x 2 = Rs.7016/-
Infinity Bonus is calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
To getting 1 Infinity Bonus Point = 50000 BV: 50000 BV
Infinity Bonus Points are calculated in multiples of business of 100000 BV equally divided in 2 teams or multiple thereof.
Business Volume over and above 50000 BV is not taken into account for calculating Infinity Bonus Point.
Closing period = Infinity Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Pay out period = 10th day of every month.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Team Building Bonus from time to time.
Infinity Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period.
Infinity Bonus = Infinity Bonus Points (IBP) x IBP Value
Infinity Bonus Point (IBP) Value = 20% of Company’s Total BV Turnover / Total IBP collected in a calendar month.
20 TBBP = 1 IB Point (Infinity Bonus Point)
Qualifiers Infinity Bonus points (IBP) X Infinity Bonus point value = Infinity Bonus (IB)
Infinity Bonus is calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
1(one) Infinity Bonus Point (IBP) = 20 Team Building Bonus Points
Closing period = Infinity Bonus is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Pay-out period = 10th day of every month.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Infinity Bonus from time to time.
Infinity Bonus is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay-out period.
Terms and Conditions: For Infinity Bonus also he must have at least one team.
For Ex :-
If a person has done 50000 or above PBV in a month. He/she has only team A & he/she done 60000 BV. He will get “1” IBPV and Remaining BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 5000 or above PBV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 60000 BV & Team B – 45000 BV) personal BV added to the lesser team. He/she will get “1” IBPV and Remaining BV will be Flush out.
If a person has done 399 or below BV in a month. He/she has both the teams (team A - 55000 BV & Team B – 49900 BV) personal BV is added to the lesser team. So, in this case he/she achieved 1’ IBPV’s. Payment is hold due to less personal BV and remaining BV will be Flush out (Including PBV). *** To get Infinity Bonus for Silver level minimum 400 BV & above Silver Level minimum 600 BV is enough.
Infinity Bonus will be given for Silver and Director level and above Level only.
7. Unlimited Car Fund-9%
Winfinith not only provides Business freedom to its Distributors, it also helps them in fulfilling their Dream of purchasing their Dream Car. When an Independent Distributor is able to Achieve Platinum Director level once and then he/she maintains a minimum Silver Director every month then the distributor is eligible to get Unlimited Car Fund.
Winfinith Business Compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Unlimited Car Fund on the basis of the number of Unlimited Car Fund Points earned by the Distributor in a particular month. Unlimited Car Fund Point is equal to 1(one) Infinity Bonus Point.
If an Independent Distributor has earned 4(four) Infinity Bonus Points in a month, therefore he has earned 4(four) Unlimited Car Fund Points in a month.
To get this Unlimited Car Fund, the company allocates the fund of 9% of the Total Business Volume Turnover of the company.
Unlimited Car Fund is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
Unlimited Car Fund = Unlimited Car Fund Points (UCFP) awarded x UCFP Value
Unlimited Car Fund Point (UCFP) Value = 9 % of Company’s Total BV Turnover / Total UCFP collected in a month.
• Unlimited Car Fund is Calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
1 Unlimited Car Fund Point (CFP) = 1(one) Infinity Bonus Point.
Closing period = Unlimited Car Fund is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day
Pay-out period = 10th day of every month.
When an Independent Distributor is able to Achieve Platinum Director level once and then he/she maintains a minimum Silver Director every month then the distributor is eligible to get Unlimited Car Fund.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Unlimited Car Fund from time to time.
Unlimited Car Fund is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period.
1 UCF Point = 1 IB Point
UCF Point Value = (9% of company's monthly total BVs) / (Total collected Unlimited Car Fund points)
Qualifiers Unlimited Car Fund (UCF) points X Unlimited Car Fund points value = Unlimited Car Fund (UCF)
8. Unlimited House Fund-5%
Winfinith not only helps its distributors in achieving their Dream vacations and Dream car, it also makes them eligible to buy their Dream House. When an Independent Distributor Achieved Emerald Director and able to maintain a minimum Silver Director every month then he/she is eligible to earn Unlimited House Fund. Winfinith Business Compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Unlimited House Fund.
Winfinith Business Compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Unlimited House Fund on the basis of the number of House Fund Points earned by the Distributor in a particular month. A Unlimited House Fund Point is equal to 1(one) Infinity Bonus Point. If an Independent Distributor has earned 4(four) Infinity Bonus Points in a month, therefore he/she has earned 4(four) Unlimited House Fund Points in a month.
To give away this Unlimited House Fund, the company allocates the fund of 5% of the Total Business Volume Turnover of the company.
Unlimited House Fund is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
Unlimited House Fund (UHF) = Unlimited House Fund Points (UHFP) x UHFP Value
Unlimited House Fund Point (UHFP) Value =5% of Company’s Total BV Turnover / Total UHF Points collected in a calendar month.
Unlimited House Fund is Calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
1(one) Unlimited House Fund Point (UHFP) = 1(one) Infinity Point.
Closing period = House Fund is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day of every month.
Payout period = 10th day of every month.
When an Independent Distributor Achieved Emerald Director and able to maintain a minimum Silver Director every month then he/she is eligible to earn Unlimited House Fund.
To remain Active, distributors have to achieve the qualifying criteria of Unlimited House Fund every month.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Unlimited House Fund from time to time.
Unlimited House Fund is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay out period. 1 UHF Point = 1 IB Point
UHF Point Value =(5% of company's monthly total BVs) / (Total collected Unlimited House fund points)
Qualifiers Unlimited House fund (UHF) points X Unlimited House fund points value = Unlimited House fund (UHF)
9. Luxury Fund (For Shopping & Travel)-5 %
Winfinith not only provides Business freedom to its Distributors, it also helps them in fulfilling their luxury of shopping and foreign trips. When an Independent Distributor is able to achieve 4 Infinity Bonus in a calendar month & from 2nd month if he/she maintains minimum 4 infinity Bonus points he/she is eligible to get Luxury Fund every month. Winfinith Business Compensation plan compensates its Independent Distributors with Luxury Fund on the basis of the number of Luxury Fund Points earned by the Distributor in a particular month.
A Luxury Fund Point is equal to 1(one) Infinity Bonus Point. If an Independent Distributor has earned 4(four) Infinity Bonus Points in a month, therefore he has earned 4(four) Luxury Fund Points in a month.
To give this Luxury Fund, the company allocates the fund of 5% of Total Business Volume Turnover of the company.
Luxury Fund is calculated as per below mentioned formula:
Luxury Fund = Luxury Fund Points (LFP) awarded x LFP Value
Luxury Fund Point (LFP) Value = 5% of Company’s Total BV Turnover / Total LFP collected in a month.
When an Independent Distributor is able to achieve 4 Infinity Bonus in a calendar month & from 2nd month if he/she maintains minimum 4 infinity Bonus points he/she is eligible to get Luxury Fund every month.
Luxury Fund is Calculated and paid to the Independent Distributors on a monthly basis.
1 Luxury Fund Point (LFP) = 1(one) Infinity Bonus Point.
Closing period = Car Fund is calculated on sales done between 1st and last day
Pay-out will show on your monthly bonus chart.
Up to 100000 Rs will be hold for your Foreign Trip. After 100000 Rs you will continually get your Luxury fund directly to your account
Pay-out period = 10th day of every month.
Company reserves the right to change / amend the Car Fund from time to time.
Luxury Fund is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current pay-out period.
1 LF Point = 1 IB Point
LF Point Value = (5% of company's monthly total BVs) / (Total collected Luxury fund points)
Qualifiers Luxury fund (LF) points X Luxury fund points value = Luxury fund (LF)
Recognition and Reward Levels
Winfinith not only provides Business freedom to its distributors it’s also encouraging with great recognition.Recognition helps distributors see that their company values them and their contributions to the success of their team and the company overall. This is particularly key when organizations grow or change. It helps distributors build a sense of respect in their value to the company, motivating them to continue great work.
Distributor = All customers activating there id with minimum 400 PBV they will becoming as Winfinith distributor
Winfinithist = 1 Team Building Bonus Point (2500 BV from A team 2500 BV from B team you can achieve as Winfinithist Level)
Bronze director = 10 Team Building Bonus Point (25000 BV from A team 25000 BV from B team, you can achieve as Bronze Director Level)
Silver director = 1 Infinity Bonus Point (50000 BV from A team 50000 BV from B team, you can achieve as Silver Director Level)
Platinum Director = Maintain 1 Infinity Bonus Point for 3 consecutive months, from 4th month onwards one will be achieving Platinum Director level.
Emerald Director = 1 Infinity Bonus Point for 6 consecutive months from 7th month onwards one will be achieving Emerald Director level.
Diamond Director = If you get 10 Infinity Bonus Points then you Achieve Diamond Director level.
Crown Director = If you get 20 Infinity Bonus Points then you Achieve Crown Director level.
Royal Crown Director = If you get 50 Infinity Bonus Points, then you Achieve Royal Crown Director level.
Royal Blue Diamond Director = If you get 100 Infinity Bonus Points then you Achieve Royal Blue Diamond Director level.
Royal Black Diamond Director = If you get 200 Infinity Bonus Points then you Achieve Royal Black Diamond Director level.
WINFINITH AMBASSADOR = If you get 1000 Infinity Bonus Points then you Achieve WINFINITH AMBOSIDER level.
Highlights of the Plan
You will get 30% income on Winfinith Products DP
High quality with affordable price products will give you regular BV & PV
Great repurchase offers will give good BV & PV to you reach your level
It’s 2 teams Unlevel and “N” number of Generation plan
Infinity Bonus will help to create Infinity of Wealth to you
Great Funds to show your enjoyment.
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